Thursday, March 27, 2014

Goodbye, it's off to Tokyo we (they) go

Hi there!

With only a few short days left in the United States, we are doing the best we can to say "Goodbye". Goodbye to a beautiful state that we love calling home, Goodbye to our actual home in Lakewood, and of course, Goodbye to all of our family and friends in Colorado and South Dakota (as well as Goodbye to a Jeep that J&J had a hard time saying goodbye to!) No matter what exciting, amazing things we have headed our way, goodbyes are the worst. We have had brunches, lunches, dinners, going away parties, playdates, and ladies nights with close friends and lazy weekends and fun-filled days and nights with family, but none of these seem to be enough, as we already miss you all so very much. We know we will be back in 2 or 3 years and a couple of times until then, but right now, saying Goodbye is very hard, yet also bittersweet; saying goodbye to comfortable things and wonderful people, while saying hello to the exciting unknown. 

My two little boys are about to embark on adventure that no one else, besides each other, will ever know. Yes, our family of four is moving, of course, but these two dudes will have an experience that only each other will understand. Will they remember this adventure? I hope at least bits and pieces of it. They don't fully understand now, but I think/hope they will as they get older.

We had some photographs taken by the lovely and talented Stacey J., a couple of weeks ago to help us remember beautiful Colorado while we are in Tokyo and the one below absolutely represents the journey Jackson and Jacob are destined for. To see more of our pictures and check out more of Stacey's work, click here.

"Here we go, brother."
See you again soon, from 6,000 miles away.
Thank you so much for reading. I love you.

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